We’re brought together by a desire to live authentically

Cornerstone Christian Church is a thriving community that has grown from the roots Ps. Charles and Christine Newington put down in 1990. We have been gathering as a community—in worship and in love for Jesus—for nearly 30 years.

We are learning how to love God in daily life and to truly care for those around us in personal, local and global contexts.

Meeting times

Check the calendar in What’s Onfor upcoming events and meeting times.

Our Distinctives 

Jesus Following

We embrace simplicity

There is simplicity, clarity and strength in knowing ourselves as followers of Jesus. Above and through life’s noise, He leads us. When modern times can feel a bit like a bushwalk without a map, we are refreshed when we accept His compass and living water – the simple invitation to ‘come follow me’.

We engage complexity

we walk with Jesus in an urban, 21st-century moment in history. Identity, politics, sexuality, sustainability, technology and worldviews are all points of essential and care-full connection. They may be tricky to navigate at times, but so worth the effort as we look up and love out.

Spirit Filled

We honour our heritage

The heart of Pentecost is our story – one of Holy Spirit being present with power for a church always longing to deeply encounter the living God. We desire all God offers, known by Scripture, explored across centuries of church tradition and felt through the Pentecostal experience.

We pursue our future

Just as eternal truths are our anchor, we also know the Spirit so often works in fresh ways. We expect this and are intentionally open to it. We purposefully make room for the new: trying new things, encouraging new wine, inviting new wineskins, for the sake of the Gospel in our day and culture.


We share God’s mission

As part of God’s church, we believe in His mission for the world…and that it’s best understood and enacted by exploring the fullness of Scripture.

This shared conviction compels each of us to be the hands and feet of Jesus wherever we are, and to support those who do this around the globe.

We own our specific context

We feel a sense of being sent to, and sent from, the Turbal country of the inner North-West of Brisbane. We are planted, grounded and uniquely nourished in this place we call home. From this soil, we prepare to yield good fruit to reach, and share with, our wider community and our world.


We are better together

Scripture calls us to relate like family, so our door is always open for distant cousins, prodigal children, eccentric aunties and doting grandparents. We overcome isolation with relationships. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts as God heals, restores, matures and strengthens us….together.

We each have roles to play

We value and celebrate diversity across generations, cultures and more. We accept one another with grace, creating a rich tapestry from the wisdom of elders and the energy of youth; and from unique expressions of faith and ways to share the Gospel. Everyone needed.. wanted…


We want all God has for us

Gathered together, our health and growth come as the Kingdom shapes our hearts and minds. Through sincere worship in all its forms, we praise our Creator with all the senses He gave us, grateful for liberty within love. We long to know Him more and are actively content to wait on Him to fill us.

We know it’s not all about us

As God shapes us, that shape increasingly looks like love and serving with generosity. In following His plans, we happily walk the road less travelled to be Christ to all, especially in simple acts like cooking a meal or washing another’s feet. In the Kingdom’s transforming culture, we are filled to pour out.