Journaling is a great way to stay connected to God through His word, and to Cornerstone as a whole. As a community of faith we follow a one year Bible reading plan, which sermons & small group topics are often related to.

You’ll find a copy of the current reading plan below, as well as a link for the plan calendar. Join us as we grow together.


Journaling for 30 minutes a day

Some helpful steps
1. Prepare: Invite the Lord to speak to you as you read the passage of the day. Among other things you are looking for:
a. The Heart and Mind of God
b. His guidance for your daily life
c. Truths that will increase your faith
d. Revelation to direct your prayer and action
e. Areas where God is calling you to faith and obedience
2. Read: Read the whole reading at the speed you would read a novel, without stopping to make extensive notes (10-12 mins)
3. Write: Browse over the reading again to focus on things that have attracted your interest. Think and pray about this and make notes in your journal, starting with writing out the Scripture and its reference (10 mins)
4. Apply: Write out anything you think God is asking you to start or stop doing. It will be useful later to look back and trace your obedience (2 mins)
5. Pray: Let your reading and reflection influence your worship and prayer. Write out the gist of your prayers, both your worship and your requests as a record of what God is doing in your life (5 mins)
6. Memorise: Commit significant verses to memory, as the food for faith (2 mins)
7. Review: Regularly review your Journal as a way of tracking your relationship with God, of persisting in prayer and of giving thanks to God for what He is doing.

A Final Comment: Develop the 30 minute daily habit as a starting point. Don’t try to journal everything. The full benefit comes with time and practice.